applications  Applicazioni Tendicinghia

Marca <-


Versione <-

1.9 D

Applicazioni   PEUGEOT Auto  305  1.9 D

motore cilindrata alimentazione codice  tipo periodo nota
XUD9 engine_go 1905 D RKT1120  A October 1982 to July 1988
XUD9 engine_go 1905 D RKT1126  A October 1982 to July 1988
XUD9 engine_go 1905 D RKT1179  A October 1982 to July 1988
XUD9 engine_go 1905 D RKT1247  A October 1982 to July 1988 Alt
XUD9 engine_go 1905 D RKT1041  D October 1982 to July 1988
XUD9 engine_go 1905 D RKT1042  D October 1982 to July 1988